Sunday, April 20, 2008

If You Please

This particular evening is ending in the same grand way this morning began: Black Velvet.

If you have toasted with me in the past month, you probably know that this is my new favorite drink - half hard cider, half Guinness (all deliciousness).

Now, technically a Black Velvet is supposed to be made with champagne instead of cider, but I don’t know of any bar that will mix that for you. However, today was my lucky day; it just so happens that someone gave me a bottle of champagne along with specific instructions that it be opened when I moved into my new place. So this morning, my first morning as an official resident of Charlotte, I popped the top and, taking a swig right from the bottle, toasted my new digs. But straight champagne was a bit too sweet for me at eleven this ante meridiem, so I figured I would add a little Guinness and see how a true Black Velvet is supposed to taste. Par excellence!

I spent the day unpacking, painting, and slowly working my way through the bottles of bubbly and stout. Now I am sitting here (with "Thyme Green" paint in my hair) finishing the last of the booze and getting ready to try and find some room amongst all the boxes to camp out on my new living room floor for the night.

After an entire day of sitting open, the champagne has gotten pretty flat, but the widget enhanced Guinness is making up for it - which brings me to an excellent bit of knowledge for you beer drinkers out there. I emailed the boys at Guinness a couple of days ago with a question that has been bugging the hell out of me, and (despite the excessive exclamation points) I was quite pleased with the response:

To: Lilo
From: Consumer Care, Guinness
Subject: RE: Green Guinness?

Dear Ms. Lilo,

Thank you for taking time to contact Guinness. Your feedback is important to us.

We are proud to inform you that Guinness cans and bottles are
all recyclable without removing the widget.

Once again, thank you for contacting Guinness.

Scott Alcorn
Guinness Consumer Representative

Drinking Responsibly is Brilliant!!!

Oh, and here you go - just in case reading about it has you humming.


Anonymous said...

With the subject line of that email I thought you were going to blaspheme and ask why they don’t dye Guinness green on St. Paddy’s day. But you came through with a solid in the end.

The Dunce Cap Marvel said...

I took a break from French/Russian training to read this blog. Please continue, but protect your liver in the process.

Ultimately & awesomely yours,

Lilo said...

Dunce -
I suppose that would make me the “bit of fluff to cleanse your palate.”

Glad I could fill that void for you.